inherited WriteSpanForm: TWriteSpanForm Left = 213 Top = 194 Caption = 'Write Multi-Volume ZIP' ClientHeight = 320 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 inherited Label1: TLabel Top = 46 Height = 16 Caption = '&Single archive to span:' end inherited Label2: TLabel Top = 86 Height = 16 Caption = 'Directory and s&panned archive name:' end inherited Label3: TLabel Width = 274 Height = 37 Caption = 'Converts a single archive to an archive spanned across multiple ' + 'disks.' end inherited Button1: TSpeedButton Top = 64 end inherited Button2: TSpeedButton Top = 104 Width = 24 end object GroupBox1: TGroupBox [5] Left = 9 Top = 136 Width = 272 Height = 87 Caption = ' Si&ze ' TabOrder = 3 object Label4: TLabel Left = 7 Top = 16 Width = 258 Height = 25 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Please select or enter the volume size (in kB):' WordWrap = True end object SpanningMode: TComboBox Left = 7 Top = 34 Width = 258 Height = 21 ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 OnChange = SpanningModeChange Items.Strings = ( 'Automatic' '1.2 MB' '1.4 MB' '2.8 MB' 'Zip 100 Disk (100 MB)' 'Zip 200 Disk (200 MB)' 'CD-ROM (650 MB)' 'CD-ROM (700 MB)') end object CheckBox1: TCheckBox Left = 8 Top = 62 Width = 257 Height = 17 Caption = '&Format target disk before spanning' TabOrder = 1 end end object ProgressBar1: TProgressBar [6] Left = 10 Top = 299 Width = 347 Height = 16 Min = 0 Max = 100 TabOrder = 8 end inherited OKButt: TButton TabOrder = 5 end inherited CancelButt: TButton TabOrder = 6 end inherited HelpButt: TButton TabOrder = 2 end object CorelButton1: TButton [10] Left = 288 Top = 72 Width = 75 Height = 25 Caption = '&Help' TabOrder = 7 OnClick = CorelButton1Click end inherited FromArc: TEdit Top = 64 Width = 233 end inherited ToArc: TEdit Top = 104 Width = 233 end object ElGroupBox1: TGroupBox [13] Left = 8 Top = 232 Width = 273 Height = 54 Caption = ' &Mode ' TabOrder = 4 object ComboBox4: TComboBox Left = 11 Top = 20 Width = 238 Height = 21 Style = csDropDownList ItemHeight = 13 TabOrder = 0 Items.Strings = ( 'PkZip 4.5 Compatible' 'PkZip/PA 7.0 Compatible' 'PowerArchiver (older versions) Compatible') end end inherited ZipMaster1: TZipMaster OnProgress = ZipMaster1Progress Left = 272 Top = 96 end inherited OpenDialog: TAgOpenDialog Left = 279 Top = 127 end object FormStorage1: TFormStorage [16] UseRegistry = True StoredValues = <> Left = 312 Top = 96 end inherited DropFileTarget1: TDropFileTarget OnDrop = nil end end